
Each person who believes in Jesus is called to minister in their places of study and work, but sometimes, God calls people out of existing social models and systems and gives them a vision for innovative initiatives based on sustainable kingdom principles.

At The Peoples Church we want to support these kingdom initiatives and see how God can do a new thing through His people.

Each year, we host a fair-trade market so that we can continue to support industries that seek to do business using fair and just production and distribution models. We are also exploring new possibilities with our partners who are developing new kingdom models for media use.

Our global partners are active in sustainable farming initiatives that are especially focused on discovering and applying biblical principles of creation care. Using a church-based development approach, they work with communities to find new ways of sustainable living.

There are many ways to live justly in our society, and as a church we want to actively pursue these kingdom models with our partners.

Explore our global mission partnerships dedicated to innovation. As you learn about each ministry use the prayer points to stand with our partners in the power of prayer!


Malawi Food Crisis Response


INUA Advocacy IAFR


Innocent Magambi

This project is responding collaboratively to the food crisis at Dzaleka Refugee Camp in Malawi. There are multiple phases and partners teaming up to address immediate needs and create long-term solutions. The ministry moves from providing relief, then transitioning to Life Gardens small plot gardening, and a dream for large scale sustainable gardening. Systemic injustices are also being challenged to advocate for refugees to move, work, and live for their and the host country’s benefit.

Prayer Points

  • Favour to find more good land and train and encourage other refugees with growing skills
  • Protection of Innocent and leaders who expose corruption and advocate
  • Better refugee policies by those in power
  • Gardening students to find comfort and strength in community and abundant harvest

Church & Community Transformation


Fundación Doulos (Latin America Mission)


Michel Viloria & Daniel Bravo

This ministry supports churches across Colombia to spread the gospel in holistic ways among different ethnic groups, refugee-influx, isolated communities, and disaster-prone areas. They facilitate churches working with each other and the community in an incubator-like way, by training pastors and church leaders in the biblical foundations of integral mission and sharing tools that allow them to respond to the needs of the most vulnerable. Current areas of equipping include business for transformation, sports and arts, disaster prevention, and food security.

Prayer Points

  • Leaders and pastors that gather to regain strength and vision
  • Local churches to be mobilized into a supportive ecosystem that benefits the community
  • Coordinating team to not only focus on goals and resources but to follow the Spirit’s guidance

Strengthening the Church via Lebanon


LSESD (Lebanese Society for Educational & Social Development)


Alia Abboud

LSESD is a strong and well-established organization that seeks to bolster the witness of the Church in the Arab World through inclusive and excellent education, community development, and church discipleship. They work alongside local schools, ministries, and churches throughout the region, via Lebanon as a hub and haven for Christian equipping. Even in times of war and crisis, they are empowering the church to serve local communities by proclaiming the gospel through word and deed in a holistic and integrated way.

Prayer Points

  • Effective Christian presence amidst increasing challenges in the country and region
  • Churches and leaders who are tired and overwhelmed but remain agents of hope in their communities
  • God’s provision and sustainability of the ministry

Food Bank to the World


Ontario Christian Gleaners


Elaine Merkus

The Gleaners visibly and tangibly demonstrate God’s love by providing nutritious dehydrated vegetables and fruits for the relief of the hungry in overseas nations. Food is given via mission organizations that share the gospel in schools, hospitals, orphanages, feeding centres and prisons. Food is offered for free by sourcing surplus and non-marketable produce that is processed by faithful volunteers. These funds add a much-needed protein source to the mixes.

Prayer Points

  • To continue meeting the increasing need for food around the world
  • Receive donations of already dried products (split peas, barley, nuts, granola)
  • With thankfulness that God continues to multiply their efforts

Redemptive Entrepreneurs’ Community


Centre for Redemptive Entrepreneurship (Tyndale)


Philip Yan

CRE equips Christian entrepreneurs as culture-shaping catalysts by advancing their redemptive ventures. They focus on friendship & partnership, addressing the isolation of Christian entrepreneurs, and being a creative engine to see how innovation and business can be used for the common good through serving and solving. They are developing a digital platform to host the national community, the main hub to connect for mentorship, resource, and venture programs. They are also developing courses, grant and training programs.

Prayer Points

  • God to bring the right expertise and servants for prayer, administration, communication
  • Professionals with a redemptive mindset to become mentors
  • Businesspeople to be creative and obedient to God

Learn about how you can support our mission partnerships by exploring our Global Mission Portfolio and making a Faith Promise!

Global Mission Portfolio Faith Promise

He sent them out to proclaim the kingdom of God and to perform healing.

– Luke 9:2